Exit Banks' game
Banks have paid $330 Billion in penalties since 2000. Bank of America paid $82 Billion alone. It’s part of the business model. Bitcoin does no such thing. Remember the financial devastation in 2008? That was the reason why Bitcoin was created, a means to exit the banks' system of madness. In 2008 the world witnessed the banks and wall street burn themselves with greed that brought a horrible meltdown, destroyed millions of lives, and gutted communities leaving the American taxpayer the bill.
The only free financial markets that exist on earth are cryptocurrency markets. Look at what happened with wallstreetbets and Robin hood. This gives us confirmation the stock market isn’t a free market. Watch this video that shows what happens to average Robinhood investors who found a winning strategy who are stopped by wall street's unfair design. In cryptocurrency markets, when you find a winning trade you win. Do take note, because the crypto markets are open 24/7 globally, there are all kinds of events that can move the price way up and way down.